Pakistan Embassy at Ethiopia Adis Ababa, Pakistan Flag
Pakistan Embassy Ethiopia Adis Ababa, Ethiopia Flag




May 27th, 2022

The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies (ISSI) had a Public Talk to celebrate Africa Day. H.E. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Foreign Minister of Pakistan, extended heartiest felicitations to the people of Africa. Ambassador Shozab Abbas also joined the celebration and gave his remarks.

The distinguished speakers included: Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Ambassador Ali Javed, Additional Foreign Secretary Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan, General Nadeem Raza, NI (M), Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee; Dr. Peter Mathuki, Secretary General East African Community (EAC) and H.E. Mohammed Karmoune, Dean of the African Corps and Ambassador of Morocco to Pakistan. While giving his remarks, the Foreign Minister extended heartiest felicitations to the people of Africa. He said Africa day celebrates the African peoples’ heroic struggles for emancipation from colonial rule as well as the rich cultural heritage and immense economic potential. Pakistan is proud of its role in supporting African freedom movements through political and diplomatic means. Pakistan and Africa’s common history provides the basis of the mutual trust that makes both of them natural allies. H.E. Shozab Abbas, Ambassador of Pakistan to Ethiopia, also joined the celebration and gave his remarks.